
数据保护章程 (19)


本个人信息保护政策(以下简称“隐私政策”)适用于由尚圃电子商务(上海)有限公司、路威酩轩香水化妆品(上海)有限公司经营的Parfums Christian Dior以及由克丽丝汀迪奥经营的Christian Dior Couture(以下统称为“Dior”或“我们”)在您访问、浏览或使用Dior官方网站www.dior.cn(以下简称“网站”)或通过网站与您互动时所收集的所有个人信息。请阅读以下隐私政策,以了解您向我们提供及共享的个人信息、我们将如何收集、使用、保存并保护您提供给我们的个人信息、您如何管理该等个人信息以及如何与我们就个人信息进行联系。通过访问本网站或使用我们的任一服务,即表示您充分理解和同意接受本隐私政策的全部内容,并且信赖我们对您提供并共享的个人信息的使用和处理方式。Dior尊重您的隐私,并将尽力确保您的个人信息得到妥善保护。






条款1 - 所收集数据范围和方式



- 联络信息,包括姓名、地址、电话号码或电邮地址;

- 支付信息;

- 您在公开场合、或我们的社交媒体页面、或我们的网站上发表的公开信息,例如对某一产品的评论;

- 人口统计信息,例如您的性别以及生日;

- 您的购买信息,包括您所购买的产品及其价格。

- 您访问本网站的详细信息,包括流量数据、 位置数据、 网络日志与其他通信数据;以及您的:

  • 设备信息:我们会根据您在软件安装及/或使用中授予的具体权限,接收并记录您所使用的设备相关信息(设备型号、操作系统版本、设备设置、唯一设备标识符、设备环境信息)、设备所在位置相关信息(IP 地址、GPS位置以及能够提供相关信息的WLAN接入点传感器信息)。如果您在安装及/或使用过程中拒绝授予我们相应权限的,我们并不会记录您上述对应的信息。
  • 服务日志信息:当您使用我们的移动应用提供的产品或服务时,基于数据统计、有关广告及营销效果评估目的,我们会收集您对我们服务的详细使用情况,包括搜索查询内容、IP地址、浏览器的类型、电信运营商、使用的语言、访问日期和时间及您访问、浏览、停留、下单操作的网页记录
  • 其他系统和设备权限信息:我们会在您开启软件前及/或使用中向您申请授予的具体设备和系统权限,并告知您相应的使用目的。如果您拒绝授予我们相应权限的,我们并不会记录您对应的信息。









-要求接收任何促销、 推广或其他类型的通信;




条款2 - 所收集数据的用途


-使我们更清楚地了解您的兴趣、 关注和喜好;

-向用户发送信息,特别是网站的电子通讯和促销信息,包括由路威酩轩香水化妆品(上海)有限公司及/或克丽丝汀迪奥商业(上海)有限公司发送的化妆品、香氛、皮具、时装等产品的店铺开业、产品发布、活动、 网站变化、 服务更新、 特别产品与推广促销等信息;




我们可能通过电话以及您提供给我们的电子邮件地址或您提供给我们的其它任何联络方式就上述目的与您联络。如果您不愿意收到这些电子邮件或不愿意进行上述联系,您只需按照您收到的信息中的取消订阅指示, 或按照下文条款7的联络方式与我们联络。

条款3 - 数据保存期限



条款4 - 数据接收方








除本隐私政策另行规定以外, 我们只会在下列的情况下未经您允许而披露特定的资料:因法律要求而披露该等资料;或者,我们诚实地认为,为调查针对我们的客户、使用者、关联方或财产(包括本网站)或他人所进行的可疑刑事活动,或为确保其免受该等活动的损害,有必要披露该等资料。






条款5 - 数据安全与保密


但是, 本网站的使用者须注意, 由于互联网的开放性质, 我们无法保证我们服务器上存储的、 或在使用者之间传送的您的任何个人资料不会被未获准许地查阅, 并且, 我们声明,  如果任何数据或通信被盗窃或丢失、 未获准许地被查阅或受损, 或被截取, 我们对此不承担任何责任。 通过使用本网站, 即表示您确认您理解并同意承担这些风险。

除非事先取得您的同意, 否则, 我们不会向上文第4条所述的任何第三方出租、 交易、 分发或出售您提供给我们的任何个人资料。

条款6 - COOKIES/ 数据统计

6.1 - Cookies

对于本网站的使用者,请注意,我们可以在您的计算机上存入“cookies”,以便对您进行识别。 Cookies是指在浏览期间从一个服务器计算机上发送的小型数据文本档案。Cookies通常储存在计算机硬盘上,网站用 cookies 来模拟与网站之间的持续连接。我们已经采取了相关的安全措施,以防止未获准许地查阅用户的数据。但是, 用户确认, Dior并不能控制电子通信设施( 包括互联网) 上的数据转移。因此,Dior不会就互联网上发生的该等数据的安全漏洞或未获准许的披露或使用承担任何责任。您可以将您的浏览器设置成拒绝接受 cookies,但这样做可能会使您无法充分利用本网站上的服务。


6.2 - 数据统计

为了使网站的内容与服务能够更贴合用户需求, Dior会统计用户的浏览次数、访问页面数量、网站浏览活动以及回访频率。为了完成此类访问分析, Dior会使用不同的分析工具。该工具可用来分析网站的访问状况。


条款7 - 存取、拒绝和修改的权限



Dior客服服务中心: 4009218833,适用于路威酩轩香水化妆品(上海)有限公司,或4001226622,适用于克丽丝汀迪奥商业(上海)有限公司。



条款8 - 直接营销




条款9 - 公司控制权变更时的数据转移


在出现公司控制权变更或公司资产或业务被转让的情况下, Dior收集的个人信息可能会被转移。



条款10 - 儿童隐私权




条款11- 本隐私政策的修改




The Maison Christian Dior Couture

Christian Dior Couture SA (head office), a public limited company under French law with its head office located at 30 avenue Montaigne, 75008 Paris, France, and all of the Christian Dior Couture affiliates with whom you share your information.

Christian Dior Couture is a story of dreams and elegance, passion and excellence; it is also a story of know-how. The creations of Christian Dior Couture express the passion for beautiful gestures and exceptional objects. From haute couture to ready-to-wear, including leather goods, watchmaking and jewelry, know-how is transformed into the art of making.



"Personal data" means any information that could reasonably identify you either directly (e.g. your name) or indirectly (e.g. through a unique client ID number).


The personal data we collect depends upon the touchpoint of our interaction and is also limited to that which is relevant and appropriate for the interaction.  Unless you choose to interact with us via other touchpoints, such as (but not limited to) by making a purchase on our site, signing up for one of our programs or services, using our apps, communicating with us via email, phone or submitting online forms, or posting a comment or a like online, our data collection is limited to the use of ‘cookies’ for website visitors.


For customers and other individuals who sign up for programs or services or otherwise interact with us beyond browsing our site via the touchpoints described above, for example, we collect certain relevant information from you. The information we collect is related to the particular transaction as well as our overall relationship with you.  For example, if you make purchases from Dior.com or in our stores, we must collect information to process (and, if relevant, fulfill and ship) your order. We generally collect your contact details, contact preferences, and information that will allow us to make recommendations to you about our products or services that may be of interest.  We may centralize the information pertaining to our customers so that we have it organized in one place, as this helps us manage our relationship with you as well as your choices and preferences. Or, if you subscribe to our personalised newsletter, we collect your email address.


Should you wish to know more about the types of information we collect, please refer to the dedicated table provided via this link.


We invite you to keep us regularly informed in writing of any change in your contact details.


We Collect and Use Limited Sensitive Information.


As described above, we collect personal data that is described under some laws as sensitive personal data,” special categories of personal data, sensitive personal information, or similar terms (collectively referred to here as “Sensitive Personal Data”).  Here, we provide more information about which categories of the personal data described above may be designated as Sensitive Personal Data, and how we use these categories of Sensitive Personal Data.  We only use Sensitive Personal Data to provide you goods and services, and do not use such information to infer characteristics about you. Depending on what you choose to provide and how we interact with you, we may collect:


  • Account log-ins to provide Dior products and services. Account login information is used to identify an active user on any site that requires login. Login information includes first and last name and corresponding email for such account, as well as the associated account password.
  • Financial information to process your orders.  We collect and use credit or debit card information and required security or access codes in order to process payments and fulfill any order you make.
  • Passport-related information to process your orders.  We may collect passport or other government-issued ID information in connection with an order, including when you are purchasing a product in a country other than that in which you live, in order for you to make purchases free of value added tax (VAT).


We may collect or receive data via the following touchpoints:


  • Use of Dior.com;
  • In-store, including in communication with our salesperson;
  • Dior events you attend;
  • Public Relations relationship and communication;
  • Contact with the Client Services;
  • Forms you complete (in store or online);
  • During your purchase journey, you will be able to choose between i) logging into your existing Dior account, ii) creating a new account, or iii) paying as a Guest;
  • Digital apps you use;
  • Digital experiences such as virtual beauty technology in store (if you choose to use that technology where offered via a retailer), or our third-party vendors may receive data via virtual try-on online;
  • Dior social media pages you visit or interact with, or other social media pages on which you post Dior content or comments;
  • Digital media advertising you click on;
  • Search engines’ paid advertising you click on;
  • Retailers (such as Department Stores) in which you have purchased a Dior product and in which you consented (e.g. via an iPad) to have your details shared with our Maison to receive its communications; or
  • Surveys or satisfaction questionnaires you answer.


Depending on the context in which your data is collected, we use your data for:


  • the provision of Dior products and services, including the management of your orders, the management of personalized content, communications and interactions with Dior (digital or otherwise), and providing customer support;
  • the facilitation of showing you what your selected product would look like on you (in relation to using our try-on technology, though when online, all processing for providing the feature is done by our third-party vendors’ proprietary technology), and for certain in-store virtual try-ons, offering you the option of receiving your photo via email;
  • the management of your account and profile (for example, in order to simplify your navigation through our different country-specific websites, if you navigate to another country your customer account will automatically be duplicated in that market. This means that it will not be necessary to create a new customer account);
  • analyse the performance of our Maison on social networks in order to produce statistical analyses (studies of results by country, influence of the Maison and analysis of the campaigns implemented).
  • analyse your preferences and habits, anticipate your needs from your consumer profile and your publications/mentions on social networks.
  • personalised customer experience: we may provide you with personalised communications by means of email, postal mail, SMS or calls based on the communication preferences you have indicated and your consumer profile (where permitted) (if you have an account, please connect to either your Parfums Christian Dior account or your Christian Dior Couture account to modify your channel preferences.  Otherwise you can contact our customer service (see "Contact Us" section below)). With your free, specific, informed and unambiguous consent (where required), we use your personal data to send you personalised communications based on your interests (newsletters, offers, invitations and surveys).


In the latter two interactions (“analysing your preferences and habits” & “providing you with a personalised customer experience”), when we send personalised communications or content, we may use so-called profiling techniques. For the sake of transparency within this Statement, profiling is currently defined as any kind of automated processing of personal data which consists of using that personal data to evaluate certain personal aspects relating to a natural person, in particular to analyse or predict elements relating to the preferences, interests, behaviour or location of that natural person. In these circumstances, you have the right to opt-out, meaning the right to withdraw your consent by unsubscribing or see the “Contact Us” section below.


Should you wish to know more about the categories of processing activities for which we collect and use your information alongside indicative Legal basis for which we base such processing, please refer to the dedicated table provided via this link 


Please note that each Maison has its own retention periods that include the requirements regarding the products each Maison offers.


Unless otherwise stated, we only keep your personal data for as long as we need it to fulfill the purpose of collection, to meet your needs, or to comply with our legal or business obligations, and to fulfill the purposes described above in this Privacy Statement. By way of example, we keep your data for up to 10 years from the date of your last purchase if you are a client and up to 3 years if you are a prospect from the date of your last interaction with us.


When you choose to use our virtual try-on technology:


  • in store (where offered via a retailer) the photos or images connected with that use are stored for a maximum period of 7 days, and then irreversibly erased;
  • Online, the photos, images, and information processed to apply the selected beauty or try-on feature is never possessed by Dior (rather it is only possessed by our third-party vendor) and is not retained or stored.


When we no longer need to use your personal data, it is removed from our systems and records or anonymized so that you can no longer be identified from it.


We use the following criteria to determine how long to retain personal data:


  • Our relationship with you, and the products and services we provide to you;
  • Your requests to us regarding your information, or our products or services;
  • Any legal obligations to retain the data, or for our own legal purposes (such as enforcing our agreements or litigation);
  • Recommendations and legal requirements, including applicable international, national, federal and state statutes; and
  • Technical considerations and feasibility, and level of protections in place for your personal data.

WHO may access your data?

We communicate your information, including if possible in a form that does not allow a direct identification, to:


  • Other Dior entities as well as department stores where you buy our products in order to provide you with identical personalized service worldwide


  • Our trusted third-party providers, including other entities of the LVMH group, acting as subcontractors according to our instructions and on our behalf only


  • For example, we entrust certain services to third parties responsible for delivering a product to you, payment service providers and transaction security against fraud, third parties who assist us in the organization of our events, third parties providing services IT, digital communication and public relations agencies, third parties who assist us in customer care, third parties who assist us in qualitative surveys of our products, programs or services.


  • Third parties including the LVMH group wishing to know your preferences and consumption trends for our programs and services in order to improve visibility, accessibility and performance


  • Our trusted third-party partners assist us in the management of your orders. In particular, we entrust certain services to third parties responsible for delivering a product to you, to payment service providers and to providers ensuring the security of anti-fraud transactions.


  • Third-party partners, who provide advertising, marketing, website performance, analytics, and similar services for Dior, including cookies or other trackers, including for the purposes of behavior-based targeted advertising. 


Please note that these third-party partners may act as data controllers; in such cases, they have their own privacy policies. These third parties include:


  • Third parties in the event of a change of control, for legal reasons, or with your prior consent
  • Third parties wishing to know your main interests to constitute similar audiences and target prospects that match your profile. In the context of this specific data processing, Dior is not the Data Controller relating to prospecting and you will not be subject to prospecting, your data is only used to constitute profiles similar to yours
  • We may also offer you the possibility of using your social media connection data. Please note that in this case, you are sharing your profile information with us. The personal data shared depends on the configuration of the social network platform. Please note that these social networks apply their own privacy policy.



We illustrate some examples below:

- Facebook (Privacy policy accessible here)

- Google (Privacy policy here)

- Instagram (Privacy policy accessible here)


  • Third parties conducting statistics on our performance on social networks on our behalf
  • Third parties such as IAS (International Accreditation Service), which assists us, for example, in finding out the exposure rate of our created formats. For more information, their privacy policy is available here.


Should you wish to know more about Third Parties our Maison may use to process your personal information, please refer to the dedicated and illustrative table provided via this link.


We have adopted reasonable and appropriate physical, technical and organizational security safeguards to protect your data from loss, misuse, alteration, destruction or access by unauthorized third parties. The Internet, wireless networks and information storage are not 100% secure. We cannot guarantee the security of your personal data stored or sent to us. We encourage you to take precautions to protect your personal data. For example, in creating your account on dior.com, entering a personal password complying with our security requirements is compulsory and part of this Privacy Statement.

The security safeguards that we have adopted are commensurate with the sensitivity of the particular data collected.  For example, credit, debit and other payment information is subject to stricter security measures.


Regarding your purchases, your bank details are encrypted through Dior servers. Payments are made via a secure payment platform which is PCI-DSS certified, supplemented by control measures, to ensure the security of purchases made and to fight against fraud.


We also require our partners and group companies to uphold a substantially similar level of protection for your data. The measures are evaluated and updated to address new threats and challenges, as well as new legal requirements in the countries where we operate. 


To the maximum extent allowed by applicable law, you agree and acknowledge that Dior will not be liable or responsible for use or disclosure of your information that is the result of unauthorized or illegal access to our systems or those of our vendors, agents, contractors, affiliates, or partners. If you have reason to believe that the security of your communications or personal data has been compromised, please notify us immediately using the contact information below.


Because Dior operates in many countries across the world, some of your data may be collected, accessible or stored outside of your country of residence.  You should know that the data protection and security requirements differ from place to place and may not offer the same level of protection as those in your home country.  Nevertheless, Dior and our group companies have taken steps to ensure an adequate level of protection of your data irrespective of where it is located, such as by using data transfer methods approved by the European Commission (where the data protection laws are considered to be the strongest worldwide).  We also require our third-party partners to fulfill applicable data transfer obligations in relation to the personal data that they receive on our behalf.


In this context:

- Christian Dior Couture and all of its affiliates have entered into a Personal Data Processing and Transfer Agreement

- In specific cases and roles, Christian Dior Couture and other Maisons legally independent from Christian Dior Couture, such as Parfums Christian Dior, have entered into a Data Processing and Transfer Agreement


Dior has adopted the data protection and security practices described in this Statement for all individuals within scope.  In addition, we also recognize and have addressed data protection and security measures that are required on a local or regional level.  This includes, for example, those required for residents of the European Union/European Economic Area under the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) 2016/679.


 In particular, the GDPR provides the following rights (with some exceptions):  


  • The right to be informed: you have the right to obtain clear, transparent and easily understandable information about how we use your personal data, and your rights. You will find all this information in this Statement;
  • The right of access: you have the right to access to the personal data Dior holds about you;
  • The right to restriction; you have the right to suspend the use of your personal data in certain cases;
  • The right of rectification: you have the right to have your personal data rectified if it is incorrect or outdated and / or completed if it is incomplete;
  • The right to erasure / right to be forgotten: you have the right to have your personal data erased or deleted. Please note this is not an absolute right, as we may have legal or legitimate grounds for retaining your personal data;
  • The right to object to direct marketing: you can unsubscribe or opt out of our direct marketing communication at any time. You are able to do so by clicking on the “unsubscribe” link in any email or communication we send you. You are also able to request to receive non-personalized communications about our products and services;
  • The right to withdraw consent at any time for data processing based on consent: You can withdraw your consent to our processing of your data when such processing is based on consent; and
  • The right to data portability: you have the right to move, copy or transfer data from our database to another. This only applies to data that you have provided, where processing is based on a contract or your consent, and the processing is carried out by automated means.



You are also entitled to determine your personal data protection guidelines and directives in the event of death or extern circumstances.


You also have the right to contact the data protection authority of your country in order to lodge a complaint against the data protection and privacy practices of Dior.


We also wish to inform you about the contacts of other authorities in Europe that you can find and contact on the website of the European Data Protection Board: https://edpb.europa.eu/about-edpb/board/members_fr.


We may require proof of your identity and full details of your request before we process it.


Dior has adopted practices that are designed to ensure that we do not intentionally or knowingly collect or maintain any information from children under the age of 16, though we do not monitor the age of users of our services. If we learn that we mistakenly collected any information from anyone under the age of 16, we will purge it immediately, except for responding to a question or inquiry on a one-time basis from his/her parent or legal guardian. If you are under the age of 16, you should not submit personal data on this website or any other website without the consent of your parent or guardian. If a parent or guardian of a child under 16 believes that the child has provided us with personal data, the parent or guardian of that child should contact us, see “Contact Us” section below.


We do not knowingly sell or share the information of children of any age.


Dior reserves the right to change this Statement at any time at its sole discretion and will post the date it was last updated at the top of this Statement. Such changes shall be effective immediately upon posting them to Dior’s website, or otherwise providing them to you. We will provide additional notice to you if we make any changes that materially affect your privacy rights.


If you have any general questions or concerns about how we process and use your personal data or would like to exercise any of your privacy rights, you may contact us at the following details:


Privacy Notice – Register using social providers


  1.  For what activities personal data are processed


By creating a Dior account, logging on Dior.com via Google, Facebook, Line, Kakao or by binding your Dior account to your Google, Facebook, Line, Kakao accounts, in this case, you are sharing your profile information with us. The personal data shared depends on the configuration of the social network platform.

In order to facilitate the account creation process, we can pre-fill the account creation form with information retrieved from the social provider account.


  1. What data are exactly involved :


The types of information that Dior can collect depends on the settings selected for that provider and is subjected to the processing details under their own established privacy policies. Here are the types of information per


  • Google : first name and last name, e-mail, language preferences (not used), profile picture (not used)
  • Facebook : first name and last name, e-mail, profile picture (not used)
  • Kakao login : fullname (not used), e-mail, phone number
  • Line : first name and last name, e-mail, phone number, profile picture (not used)



3. Who is the Data controller: is Christian Dior Couture SA (registered office), a public limited company under French law whose registered office is located at 30 avenue Montaigne, Paris 8, France, and all the affiliates of Christian Dior Couture with whom you share your information.

Please note that as displayed in the section “Who may access your data” referred to in our global Privacy Statement   your social media connection data is administered and managed by the above listed social media platforms acting on your social media account and may act as Data Controller. Please note that these social networks apply their own privacy policy, settings and standards.

4. Where can I find further information? Please contact us as below if you wish to exercise your rights under applicable Data Protection Laws or if you have any questions or complaints regarding the processing of your personal data.

- By email at privacy@christiandior.com

- By postal mail: Christian Dior Couture, 30 avenue Montaigne, 75008 Paris, France

More details can be found in our global Privacy Statement at https://www.dior.com/en_gb/fashion/personal-data


What is the context of the processing?  

Christian Dior Couture belongs to the LVMH Group, which comprises many exceptional Maisons that offer high quality products and services in all sectors including  Fashion & Leather Goods, Perfumes & Cosmetics, Watches & Jewelry, Wines & Spirits, Selective Retailing and Hospitality, Culture & leisure. The list of all LVMH Maisons is available at https://www.lvmh.com. If you are customer of our Maison, you may also be a customer of other LVMH Maisons.

What is the purpose of the processing?
We endeavor to improve your experience across the LVMH Maisons you sent to by proposing personalized offers and services and customized marketing communications that correspond to your interests across LVMH Maisons. This relies on knowing your preferences and interests. We will be able to enrich your Dior profile with this information.

How is the processing conducted?
If you consent we will share the purchases you have made with us during the last 3 years with LVMH, our parent company, in a pseudonymous way (which means that your name and your contact details will not be sent to LVMH). Your purchases will be analyzed and matched with purchases made from other Maisons of the LVMH Group where you have given a similar consent. Each Maison that has your consent will receive back from LVMH generalized information concerning your purchasing habits and preferences with other Maisons, and Dior may reach out to you to offer Dior products based on this information. Should you wish further information on how we process or share your personal data, please visit the dedicated sections of the general Dior Privacy Statement: “FOR WHAT PURPOSES is your data used by Dior?” and “WHO can access your data?”

Who is the Data Controller?
Christian Dior Couture will remain the sole data controller which means that it is the company that is responsible for the information that you provide to it. LVMH acts as our data processor, or service provider, and will not use your data for any purpose other than the one described above. For example, LVMH will not use your data for its own purposes, will not contact you for marketing purposes based on the data we provide, and will not share information about you with Maisons of the LVMH Group to which you are not a customer and/or to whom you have not given consent.


隐私声明 - CHRISTIAN DIOR – 30 Montaigne 酒店、餐厅和展览馆


Maison Christian Dior Couture 十分重视您个人数据的处理、保密与安全。我们致力于为您提供个性化的服务,与此同时尊重您的隐私与个人选择。


本隐私政策旨在简明、完整地向您告知,依据现行法规,我们如何处理您向我们提供的个人数据以及我们可以通过各种渠道收集到的信息、您可能与我们接触的渠道(包括门店、客服中心、Dior 官网、社交媒体、数字应用程序、活动)、个人数据可能传送至第三方以及您出于保护个人隐私目的而控制信息的权利和选择。


特别要说明的是,本隐私声明专门适用于在您与位于 30 Montaigne 的 a) 酒店、b) 餐厅或 c) 艺术馆(亦称“30 Montaigne”)的各种互动过程中收集、处理和使用您的个人数据。在此专门适用的隐私声明中,对于其他处理活动,尤其是您购买 Dior 产品的相关活动,请参阅本链接的通用隐私声明


根据适用于个人数据的法规,尤其是欧盟《一般数据保护法案》2016/679 第 24 条(以下简称“GDPR”)的定义,数据控制方将会是 Maison Christian Dior Couture。


在此专门适用于“30 Montaigne”活动及互动的声明中,您将了解以下信息:

• 我们是谁?

• 我们可能收集与您相关的哪些数据

• 我们如何收集或接收您的数据

• 我们出于什么目的使用您的数据

• 我们保留数据的时间有多长

• 谁是您数据的接收方

• 我们如何保护数据并确保其保密性

• 我们如何对待您的偏好以及欧盟法案赋予您的权利

• 我们为特定地区居民提供的额外保护

• 如果您对于我们如何使用您的个人数据有疑问如何联系我们

• 修订本隐私声明




Maison Christian Dior Couture


Christian Dior Couture SA(总公司),是一家股份有限公司,根据法国法律在巴黎贸易与公司注册登记处 (Paris Trade and Companies Register) 注册成立,总部位于法国巴黎第八区蒙田大道三十号 (30 avenue Montaigne, Paris 8, France),注册编号为 612 035 832,法人代表 Hien Tran Trung 担任 Christian Dior Couture

以及您与之分享信息的所有 Christian Dior Couture 附属公司的行政和财务总监。

Christian Dior Couture 谱写着关于梦想、优雅、激情与优秀的精彩故事,不断追求专业技能的精进。Christian Dior Couture 的产品饱含优雅与精致。从高订到成衣,从皮革制品、腕表到珠宝配饰,Christian Dior Couture 利用精湛工艺打造一件件艺术品。





我们收集的个人数据取决于您与我们互动的接触点以及本政策所描述的此种互动的目的,并且也仅限于与此次互动相关的、恰当的信息。访问 Dior 官网或“30 Montaigne”相应网站查看产品、服务信息和优惠的访客可选择不登录,搜索销售点和浏览社交媒体时也可以选择不登录。除非您选择通过以下接触点与我们互动,例如:


• 在我们专门的网站购买产品;

• 订阅我们的计划或服务;

• 填写消费者联系信息表与我们书面联系;

• 或在免费在线订单字段填写评论;


否则我们的数据收集仅限于对网站访客使用“Cookie”(访客),使用条件在我们的 Cookie 政策中有明确说明,也依照您的偏好。我们的 Cookie 管理政策独立于本通用政策之外,以确保信息透明清晰。Cookie 管理政策可通过此链接访问。



• 您的身份和联系信息:姓氏、名字、通信地址、电子邮件地址、电话号码,以及仅向“30 Montaigne”酒店提供的信息:护照细节

• 您的兴趣

• 您购买(到店或在线购买,包括您的订单、订单追踪和发票、消费金额以及类型)的历史记录

• 您通过我们的顾客服务或公共关系服务提出的请求

• 您参与的 Dior 活动

• 与“30 Montaigne”餐厅相关的食品不耐受情况

• 您对我们计划、服务和产品的满意度和评论


您将通过安全的支付平台付款,我们还采用联系人详情加密等额外控制措施,以保证付款安全,防范诈骗。因此,在 Dior 的服务器上无法访问您的银行信息。






• 关于 gareriedior.com 和 babletie.galeriedior.com 等专门网站的课程

• 与 Dior 顾问在“30 Montaigne”的交流

• 您参与的 Dior 活动

• 与我们的公共关系服务相关的关系

• 与顾客服务联系

• 您(在“30 Montaigne”或在线)填写的表格

• 您与之互动的数字应用程序

• 您与之分享信息的第三方数据提供商

• 使您同意接收我们通信内容的零售商

• 满意度调查或您作答的问卷


我们会明确那些对于收集数据的目的至关重要的个人数据,在每一份个人数据收集表格中采用星号 (*) 注明。如果您没有填写这些必填项,我们将无法响应您的请求及/或为您提供所请求的服务。其他信息可选,便于我们进一步了解您的情况并为您提供更好的通信内容和服务。对于非必填项,我们也建议您填写,以便您在与我们互动的过程中尽可能获得优质体验。


有关 Dior 如何收集您的数据的更多信息,请查看本链接的通用隐私声明


Dior 出于何种目的使用您的数据?



• 管理您与 Grand Montaigne 商品或服务相关的订单

• 管理个性化的内容以及 Dior 通信内容(数字内容或其他)

• 管理您的资料

• 管理您与 Dior 相关的请求

• 您注册/参与的与 Grand Montaigne 展览馆等有关的活动管理

• 管理与 Grand Montaigne 商品或服务相关的 Dior 网站和数字应用程序

• 我们产品和服务、形象和声誉的管理和改进

• 交易管理(保证在线支付安全、预防诈骗、与付款和债务相关的事件)

• 分析和个性化目的:在获得您明确同意(如需要)的前提下,我们使用您的个人数据向您发送个性化的通信内容(资讯、优惠、邀请和调查)并分析您的偏好和习惯、从您的消费者资料预测您的需求。我们可以根据您向我们注明的通信偏好以及消费者资料(如经授权)通过电子邮件、信件、短信或电话的形式提供个性化的通信内容,让您受益。


有关 Dior 处理活动的更多信息,请查看本链接的通用隐私声明



• 您的明确同意:例如为了管理我们的个性化商业优惠、根据 Cookie 政策明确的条件通过 Cookie 管理您的浏览,或者在适用的情况下建立您的消费者资料;

• 合约实施,例如便于您访问您的顾客账户、处理和跟踪您的订单等;

• 法律责任(法律要求处理时),例如保留购买发票预防诈骗;

• 我们的合法利益:例如改进我们的产品和服务、为我们自己辩护或保证我们的工具安全




我们仅在相关目所需的时间范围内保留您的个人数据。一般而言,您的个人数据存储在专门的“30 Montaigne”数据库中:


  • 入住“30 Montaigne”酒店的宾客:从入住当日起 5 年。


  • “30 Montaigne”餐厅顾客:从支付餐费当日起 3 年


  • “30 Montaigne”展览馆的参观者:从展览馆参观门票出票当日起 3 年。





您的数据旨在用于 Maison Christian Dior 与您的请求相关的服务。我们保证只有经过正式授权的人士可以在上述目的需要时访问您的个人数据。






• 其他 Dior 实体以及您购买我们产品的百货商店,以为您提供全球统一的个性化服务


• 我们委托的第三方提供商,包括路威酩轩集团的其他实体,它们根据我们的指示以我们的承包商和独家代理的身份行事。

例如,我们将某些服务委托给负责为您交付产品的第三方、付款服务提供商以及反诈骗的交易安全机构、协助我们组织活动的第三方、提供 IT、数字通信和公共关系代理服务的第三方、协助我们开展顾客服务的第三方、协助我们开展产品、计划或服务定性调查的第三方。


• 包括路威酩轩集团在内的、希望了解您对我们的计划和服务的偏好和消费倾向,以提高可见度、可获得性和性能的第三方。


• 我们委托的第三方合作伙伴协助我们管理您的订单。尤其是,我们将某些服务委托给负责向您交付产品的第三方、支付服务提供商以及保证交易安全、防止诈骗的提供商。请注意,这些合作伙伴可作为数据控制方行事;此种情况下,它们会有自己的隐私政策。


有关 Dior 如何分享您的数据的更多信息,请查看本链接的通用隐私声明









由于 Dior 在全球许多国家/地区开展运营,为了在全球为您提供个性化的服务,您的部分数据可能在您居住国以外的国家/地区被收集、访问或储存。请注意,各地的数据和安全保护要求各不相同,可能无法提供与本国/地区相同的保护水平。不过,Dior 以及我们的集团公司已经采取措施,保证无论在什么地方均对您的数据作出足够的保护。


有关 Dior 如何处理数据传输的更多信息,请查看本链接的通用隐私声明




Dior 已经对所有相关的个人采取本隐私政策中所述的数据保护和安全实践。此外,我们也已经明确并考虑当地或地区层面所要求的数据保护与安全防护措施。其中包括,例如,根据《一般数据保护法案》2016/679(GDPR) 需要为欧盟/欧洲经济区的居民提供的保护。


特别要说明的是,GDPR 提供以下权利:


• 了解信息的权利:关于我们如何使用您的个人数据以及关于您的权利,您有权利获得清楚、透明、易于理解的信息。您将在本政策中找到所有相关信息


• 访问的权利:您有权利访问 Dior 掌握的关于您的个人数据


• 更正的权利:如果个人数据不准确或者已过时,您有权利更正,并且/或者如果数据不完整,您有权利作出补充


• 擦除/删除(被遗忘)权利:您有权利擦除或删除您的数据。不过,此权利可能受到法律原因或者受到我们在保护您的个人数据方面的合法利益限制


• 反对的权利:您可随时请求不再接收与我们的优惠、新闻和活动相关的通信内容。我们在发送给您的每一封电子邮件或通信内容中都会提供请求不再接受通信的超链接,您可以使用该链接提出请求。您还可以请求接收与我们的产品和服务相关的非个性化通信内容


• 随时撤销同意的权利(如需获取同意以处理数据):如果我们对您数据的处理需要基于您的同意进行,您可撤销您与我们处理您的数据相关的同意


• 数据迁移的权利:您有权利移动、复制或将数据从我们的数据库传输至其他数据库。此权利仅适用于您已提供的数据,且前提是数据处理基于合约或者您的同意进行,并且采用自动化流程执行




1 / 如果您希望行使上述权利,或者关于个人数据处理存在疑问或不满意之处,请通过以下方式联系我们。

Christian Dior Couture

-             电子邮件:privacy@christiandior.com

-             邮寄:Christian Dior Couture, 30 avenue Montaigne, 75008 Paris, France
2 / 您还有权利随时联系 Dior 数据保护权威机构 CNIL,针对 Dior 数据保护和隐私实践发起投诉。CNIL 可通过以下方式联系:
Commission Nationale de l’Informatique et les Libertés (CNIL)

3 Place de Fontenoy
TSA 80715 - 75334 Paris, Cedex 07
电话 +33 1 53 73 22 22
传真 +33 1 53 73 22 00


Statement relating to the protection of your personal data collected in the context of recruitment

This Privacy Statement for Candidates (hereinafter the “Privacy Statement”) is intended to provide visitors and users (“You”) of the www.dior.com website, as well as of all the Dior’s websites with .com, .it, .ru, .co, .jp, .cn domain names suffixes (hereinafter collectively the “Website”) with information relating to how the Maison Christian Dior Couture (hereinafter “Christian Dior Couture” or “We/Us”) processes your personal data (hereinafter the “Personal Data” or “Data”) and about your rights in this respect.

Christian Dior Couture places the highest priority and takes the utmost care to protect your Personal Data.

1. Who are we? Who is the Data Controller of your Personal data?

During your recruitment experience, and in order to inform you in advance, the Data Controller will be Christian Dior Couture within the meaning of the regulations applicable to personal data and in particular with regard to article 24 of the Regulations (EU) 2016/679 (hereinafter "GDPR").

As an example, referring to some of the Maison iconic products:

• Lady Dior bag

• 30 Montaigne bag

• Bar jacket

Christian Dior Couture SA (head office), a public limited company under French law with its head office located at 30 avenue Montaigne, Paris 8, France, registered with the Paris Trade and Companies Register under number 612 035 832 and represented by Hien Tran Trung in his capacity as Administrative and Financial Director of Christian Dior Couture,

And all Christian Dior Couture affiliates

Christian Dior Couture is a story of dreams and elegance, passion and excellence; it is also a story of know-how. The creations of Christian Dior Couture express the passion for beautiful gestures and exceptional objects. From haute couture to ready-to-wear, including leather goods, watchmaking and jewelry, know-how is transformed into the art of making.

2. What is a “personal data”?

Personal Data refers to any information or pieces of information that could identify You either directly (e.g. your name, surname, email, home address, etc.) or indirectly (e.g. through pseudonymized data, such as a unique ID number, etc.). It may also include unique identifiers like your computer’s IP address.

3. Why and how do We use the Personal Data that We collect?

3.1 How do We collect your Personal Data?

 We collect your Personal Data as follows:


  • directly from You when You use our Website and our services (completion of various forms on the Website, direct communication with Us through our institutional departments, etc.);
  • automatically when You access or use the Website (technical details, IP address, browsing information, etc.).


3.2 What Data do We collect?

We collect several types of Personal Data about You:

 Personal Data that We collect directly from You

We collect Personal Data that You provide directly when You use our Website.

This is specifically the case when You:


  • interact with Us through the contact forms,
  • register to receive our newsletters or institutional documentation,
  • apply to job offers.


The categories of Personal Data that We collect include:


  • Identification and contact information: e.g., last name, first name, mailing address, contact details needed to identify You when You interact with Us,
  • Application information: e.g., last name, first name, email address, telephone number, professional experience and all the information You provide by sending your application and/or your curriculum vitae: photo, skills, education level, spoken languages, salary expectations, home address, hobbies, family status, etc.  We only collect and store this Data in connection with the management of our own job offers and do not use them for any other purposes, including for commercial purposes.


Personal Data that We collect automatically

We automatically collect certain Data about You when You access or use the Website, specifically:


  • Technical information: We collect information about the device that You use to login, as well as your use of the Website (g., operating system, type of browser used, whether a proxy is used, location of the device inferred from your IP address that identifies your computer, access time, accessed pages and the link that enabled You to access our Website),
  • Browsing information: We use tracking technologies to collect Data about You when You use our Website.


3.3 On what legal grounds and for which purposes do We use the Data that We collect?

 In accordance with current personal data protection regulations, We only collect Personal Data when We have a legal basis to do so.

Personal Data is collected either:

        i.          based on pre-contractual measures

       ii.          based on your consent,

      iii.          in our legitimate interest, or

     iv.          to meet our legal obligations.

(i) We collect your Personal Data on the basis of pre-contractual measures, in particular in the context of the processing of applications (CV and motivation letter) and management of interviews.

(ii) We collect Personal Data based on your consent, for the following purposes


  • Share opportunities that can match your profile and keep you up to date on the life of Maison Dior,


 (iii) We collect Personal Data based on our legitimate interest, for the following purposes:


  • ·        to manage your requests and queries: We use your Data to send You the information You request,
  • to defend our interests in the event of a dispute or court action,
  • to manage cybersecurity of the Website,
  • to prevent fraudulent acts in order to ensure the security of our assets and contents.


(iv) We may also store your Personal Data when the law requires Us to do so or to defend our legal rights.

3.4 Who has access to your Data? 

3.4.1 Accessibility within Christian Dior Couture

Your Data is processed by the Christian Dior Couture for the purposes described above and are only accessible to Christian Dior Couture personnel who need to know it to perform their duties.

In this respect, your Personal Data is processed by the following departments of Christian Dior Couture and/or other Maisons of the LVMH Group:


  • Christian Dior Couture Institutional Communication Department and Financial Communication Department for the management of your requests and queries, as well as to send You newsletters;
  • Christian Dior Couture Human Resources department to manage your applications to job offers;
  • Christian Dior Couture Security Department to manage cybersecurity of the Website;
  • Christian Dior Couture Fraud and Legal Departments to manage fraudulent acts or legal claims if any.


3.4.2 Accessibility by third parties

Certain third parties may have access to your Data, specifically:

(i) our subcontractors and service providers acting for technical and logistical reasons (carriers, Website hosting, security and maintenance providers, fraud management service providers, technical service providers responsible for sending e-mails and newsletters, anti-spam and anti-bot services, recruitment agencies which may provide Us with advice on the management of our candidates’ databases and help with the selection of profiles within such databases, etc.);

(ii) other LVMH Group affiliates for recruitment purposes: when you apply to an LVMH Group affiliate’s job offer, this affiliate collects and processes your Data as independent data controller. In such case, your Data will be processed according to this affiliate’s personal data protection policy, which You may obtain by contacting it directly. Likewise, the rights You enjoy pursuant to personal data protection laws must be directly enforced against it;

(iii) any authority, court or other third party when disclosure is required by law, regulations or a judicial decision, or if such disclosure is necessary to protect and defend our rights.

3.5 Is any Personal Data transferred outside of the European Economic Area?

Your Data is processed in France by the Maison Christian Dior Couture. However, We may rely on certain service providers, which are located abroad or which themselves rely on processors located abroad, including outside of the European Economic Area (EEA) in countries where personal data protection laws differ from those that apply in the EEA.

With reference to the data relating to applications, the LVMH Group has adopted binding corporate rules ("BCR") which the French Supervisory Authority (the CNIL) has declared to be compliant with current legislation and suitable for offering an adequate level. of protection in case of data transfer within the Group, also outside the European Economic Area.

3.6 How long do We store your Data?

Data is stored as long as required for the purpose for which it was collected and, in any case, will be destroyed at the end of such period.

Please see the list below for additional details about these periods.

Any transfer of your Data outside of the EEA will take place with appropriate safeguards in place that comply with applicable personal data protection regulations. Upon request, We will provide You with a copy of applicable safeguards.


  • Purpose: Management of your requests and queries
  • Data categories: Identification Data (last name, first name, mailing address, contact details needed to identify You when You interact with Us).
  • Period of storage before erasure: Duration required to manage your requests and queries. Your Data will then be either deleted or anonymized, unless we need to keep it to meet our legal obligations for the applicable statutory retention period.         




  • Purpose: Sending You our newsletters
  • Data categories: Your email address
  • Period of storage before erasure: Duration of your subscription. Then, the Data will be destroyed or anonymized.




  • Purpose: Management of your applications to job offers
  • Data categories: Application information
  • Period of storage before erasure: Duration of two (2) years from when the Data has been provided or from the last contact with You. At the end of this 2-year period, Christian Dior Couture may contact You to know whether You want Christian Dior Couture to keep retaining your Personal Data, for the purpose of informing You of an opportunity that may arise and match your career aspirations and skills. In any event, your Data will be erased at your request, within a maximum period of 1 month from your request.




  • Purpose: Security of the Website
  • Data categories: Technical information of your device (IP address, device type, browser ID, etc.)
  • Period of storage before erasure: 6 months, then the Data is either deleted or anonymized.




  • Purpose: Disputes/complaints
  • Data categories: Data concerning the dispute/complaint
  • Period of storage before erasure: Duration of the complaint + 5 years from the complaint.
  • In the event of a court action: duration of proceedings through full enforcement of the legal decision or settlement agreement


4. What are your rights in relation to your Data?

 4.1 Access, rectification and portability

 In accordance with current regulations, You have the right to access your Data. You may also request correction of Your Personal Data should they be inaccurate. Depending on the purpose of processing, You also have the right to have incomplete Personal Data completed.

To respond to your request, We may ask You to provide Us with a proof of your identity. We may also need to ask You for additional information or supporting documents. We will make every effort to respond to your request as soon as possible.

You may, to the extent provided for by law, exercise your right to Data portability which allows You to retrieve, in an interoperable format, the Personal Data that You provided to Us.

4.2 Right to erasure of your Data and to limitation of the processing of your Data

 You may request erasure of your Personal Data if:


  • You believe that our processing of your Personal Data is no longer needed for the purposes described in this Privacy Policy,
  • You believe that the processing is unlawful or You contest the accuracy of the Data We process about You,
  • You withdrew your consent to the processing of your Data.


Alternatively, to the extent provided for by law, You may request limitation of the processing of your Data.

Please note that despite the exercise of your right to erasure or processing limitation, We will store some of Your Personal Data when the law requires Us to do so, or to exercise or defend our rights.

4.3 Right to establish instructions for the management of your Personal Data after your death

For France and when mandatory local provisions so provide, You may determine how You want Us to handle your Personal Data upon your death.

4.4 Procedure to exercise your Data protection rights

You can exercise your data protection rights in the following ways or if you have any questions or complaints about the processing of your personal data.



You also have the right to contact Dior’s lead Supervisory Authority, the CNIL, at any time in order to file a complaint against Dior’s data protection and privacy practices. The CNIL can be contacted by using the following information:


Commission Nationale de l'Informatique et des Libertés – CNIL

3 Place de Fontenoy
TSA 80715 - 75334 Paris, Cedex 07
Phone. +33 1 53 73 22 22
Fax +33 1 53 73 22 00
Website: http://www.cnil.fr/

We also wish to inform you about the contacts of other authorities in Europe that you can find and contact on the website of the European Data Protection Board: https://edpb.europa.eu/about-edpb/board/members_en

When the processing of your Data is based on your consent (e.g., subscription to the newsletter), You may withdraw your consent at any time without justification. This right can be exercised by changing your options regarding subscriptions to our newsletters by clicking on the hyperlink provided for this purpose in each email We send You.

5. How is your Personal Data secured?

Christian Dior Couture uses technical and organizational measures that comply with French and EU legal and regulatory requirements, to keep your Data secure and confidential. Under written agreements, Christian Dior Couture requires its service providers and processors to provide safeguards and implement sufficient security measures to protect the Personal Data they have agreed to process, in accordance with applicable requirements under personal data protection laws. However, Christian Dior Couture does not control all risks related to the operation of the Internet and draws your attention to the inherent risks of using any website.

6. Third party websites

There may be links to third-party websites (such as LVMH Group affiliates’ websites) that We do not control, and which are governed by their own confidentiality and personal data protection policies. This Privacy Statement does not apply to third-party websites. Please review the confidentiality and personal data protection policies of the third-party websites that You visit to understand how they process your Data. Christian Dior Couture shall not be liable for any use of your Data by any third parties.



本候选人隐私声明(以下简称“隐私声明”)旨在为  www.dior.com  网站以及域名后缀为 .com、.it、.ru、.co、.jp、.cn 的所有迪奥网站(以下简称“网站”)的访客和用户(以下简称“”)提供 Maison Parfums Christian Dior(以下简称“Parfums Christian Dior”或“我们”)如何处理您的个人数据(以下简称“个人数据”或“数据”)以及与您的权利相关的信息。

Parfums Christian Dior 十分重视和注重保护您的个人数据。


  1. 我们是谁? 谁是您个人数据的数据控制方?

在招聘过程中,为了提前让您知晓,根据适用于个人数据的法规,尤其是欧盟《一般数据保护法案》2016/679 第 24 条(以下简称“GDPR”)的定义,数据控制方将会是 Parfums Christian Dior。


  • 真我 (J’adore) 或旷野 (Sauvage) 香水
  • 迪奥花秘瑰萃 (Dior Prestige) 护肤产品
  • 迪奥锁妆系列 (Maquillage Dior Forever) 产品

Parfums Christian Dior S.A.(总公司),是一家股份有限公司,根据法国法律在巴黎贸易与公司注册登记处 (Paris Trade and Companies Register) 注册成立,总部位于法国巴黎第八区奥什大街 33 号 (33 avenue Hoche, Paris 8, France),注册编号为 552 065 187,法人代表 Laurent Kleitman 担任 Parfums Christian Dior

及所有 Parfums Christian Dior 子公司的董事长

品牌的每一款作品都经过一丝不苟的工序打造,体现着迪奥的灵魂。从巴黎格拉斯到迪奥花园,Parfums Christian Dior 精选珍贵原料,萃取芬芳精华,打造一款款沁人心脾的香氛,让迪奥的耀眼光芒辐射世界。

2. 什么是“个人数据”?

个人数据指任何可直接(例如,您的名字、姓氏、电子邮件、家庭地址等)或间接(例如,通过匿名数据,如唯一的身份证号码等)识别您身份的信息。可能还包括唯一识别符,例如您的计算机 IP 地址。

3. 我们为何以及如何使用我们收集的个人数据?

3.1 我们如何收集您的个人数据?


  • 在您使用我们的网站和服务(填写网站上的各种表格、通过我们的机构部门直接与我们沟通等)时直接从您处收集
  • 在您访问或使用网站时自动收集(技术细节、IP 地址、浏览信息等)

3.2 我们收集什么数据?





  • 通过联系表格与我们互动
  • 注册接收我们的资讯或制度文件
  • 申请工作岗位


  • 身份识别和联系信息:例如,姓氏、名字、电子邮件地址、您与我们互动时需要用于识别您身份的联系信息
  • 申请信息:例如,姓氏、名字、电子邮件地址、电话号码、专业经验以及您通过发送申请和/或您的简历提供的所有信息:照片、技能、教育水平、语言、期望薪资、家庭地址、爱好、家庭情况等。 我们收集和储存此类数据仅将其用于我们的工作岗位管理相关事宜,不会将其用于商业等其他目的



  • 技术信息:我们收集与您用于登录的设备相关的信息以及您使用网站的信息(例如,操作系统、使用的浏览器类型、是否使用代理、从识别您电脑的 IP 地址推断出的设备位置、访问时间、已访问的页面以及使您访问我们网站的链接)
  • 浏览信息:我们运用追踪技术在您使用我们网站时收集与您相关的数据

3.3 我们使用所收集数据的法律依据和目的是什么?



      i.        基于合同前措施

      ii.        基于您的同意

     iii.        符合我们的合法利益

    iv.        出于我们法律责任的要求

(i) 我们基于合同前措施收集您的个人数据,特别是在处理申请(简历和求职信)和管理面试的过程中。

(ii) 我们出于以下目的基于您的同意收集个人数据:

  • 分享与您的个人资料匹配的机会并让您及时了解迪奥品牌的发展动向。

 (iii) 我们出于以下目的基于我们的合法利益收集个人数据:

  • ·         以管理您的请求和询问:我们利用您的数据向您发送您请求的信息
  • 在出现纠纷或法庭诉讼的情况下维护我们的利益
  • 管理网站的网络安全
  • 阻止欺诈行为以确保我们资产和内容的安全

(iv) 我们还可能在法律要求或者为了维护我们的合法权利时储存您的个人数据。

3.4 谁可以访问您的数据?

3.4.1 Parfums Christian Dior 内部访问

您的数据由 Maison Parfums Christian Dior 出于上述目的进行处理,仅限需要了解此数据以履行其职责的 Parfums Christian Dior 工作人员访问。

为此,您的个人数据由 Maison Parfums Christian Dior 和/或路威酩轩集团其他公司的以下部门处理:

  • Parfums Christian Dior 机构通信部 (Institutional Communication Department) 和财务通信部 (Financial Communication Department),负责管理您的请求和询问,以及向您发送资讯
  • Parfums Christian Dior 人力资源部 (Human Resources),管理您的工作岗位申请
  • Parfums Christian Dior 安全部 (Security Department),管理网站的网络安全
  • Parfums Christian Dior 反欺诈和法务部 (Fraud and Legal Departments),管理欺诈性的行为或法律诉求(如有)

3.4.2 第三方访问


(i) 出于技术和后勤方面的原因作出访问行为的承包商和服务提供商(运营商、网站托管、安全和维护提供商、欺诈管理服务提供商、负责发送电子邮件和资讯的技术服务提供商、反垃圾邮件和反傀儡程式服务、可能向我们提供与候选人数据库管理相关建议并帮助我们在此数据库中选择资料的招聘机构,等等)

(ii) 出于招聘目的作出访问行为的路威酩轩集团子公司:当您向路威酩轩集团子公司申请工作岗位时,该子公司作为独立的数据控制方收集和处理您的数据。这种情况下,将根据该子公司的个人数据保护政策处理您的数据,您可通过直接联系该子公司获取政策详情。同样,您根据个人数据保护法律享有的权利须直接根据其政策执行

(iii) 权威机构、法庭或其他第三方:如果法律、法规或法院判决要求披露,或者如果保护和维护我们的权利必须披露

3.5 个人数据是否会传输至欧洲经济区以外?

您的数据由 Maison Parfums Christian Dior 在法国境内处理。不过,我们可能依赖某些位于国外或者本身依赖国外处理商的服务提供商,包括在欧洲经济区 (EEA) 外、个人数据保护法律不同于 EEA 适用法律的国家/地区。

关于与申请相关的数据,路威酩轩集团已经采用法国监管机构 (CNIL) 宣称符合现行立法且在集团内部或欧洲经济区外传输数据时可提供足够保护的、具有约束力的公司规则 (BCR)。

3.6 我们将您的数据储存多长时间?



如已根据适用的个人数据保护条例安排适当的安全防护,可将您的数据传输至 EEA 外。如有需要,可向我们索取适用的安全防护措施。

  • 目的: 处理您的请求和询问
  • 数据类别: 身份识别数据(姓氏、名字、电子邮件地址、您与我们互动时需要用于识别您身份的联系信息)
  • 擦除前的储存期: 处理您的请求和询问期间。之后,您的数据将被删除或匿名化,除非我们需要保留以履行适用法定保留期的法律义务。                                   


  • 目的: 向您发送我们的资讯
  • 数据类别: 您的电子邮件地址
  • 擦除前的储存期: 您订阅的期间。之后,数据将被销毁或匿名化。


  • 目的: 管理您的工作岗位申请
  • 数据类别: 申请信息
  • 擦除前的储存期: 从提供数据时或最后一次与您联系时起两 (2) 年。在此 2 年期结束之后,Parfums Christian Dior 可能与您联系,了解您是否希望 Parfums Christian Dior 继续保留您的个人数据,以便通知您可能出现并且与您的职业目标和技能匹配的机会。在任何情况下,如果您提出请求,您的数据将在您提出请求之时起 1 个月内擦除。


  • 目的: 网站安全
  • 数据类别: 您设备的技术信息(IP 地址、设备类型、浏览器 ID,等等)
  • 擦除前的储存期: 6 个月,之后数据将被删除或匿名化。


  • 目的: 纠纷/投诉
  • 数据类别: 关于纠纷/投诉的数据
  • 擦除前的储存期: 投诉期间 + 自投诉时起 5 年。
  • 如出现法律诉讼:至完全执行法律判决或调解协定的整个诉讼期间。

4. 您有哪些与您的数据相关的权利?

4.1 访问、更改和迁移




4.2 擦除您的数据以及限制处理您的数据的权利


  • 根据本隐私声明所述目的,您认为我们不再需要处理您的个人数据
  • 您认为对您个人数据的处理不合法,或者您对我们处理的与您有关的数据的准确性存在异议
  • 您撤销同意处理您的数据



4.3 对您身故后的个人数据管理作出指示的权利


4.4 行使您的数据保护权利的程序


  • 发送电子邮件至:gdpr_hr@diormail.com
  • 填写以下联系表格:https://www.dior.cn/zh_cn/contact-parfum
  • 邮寄至以下地址:Data Protection Officer, Parfums Christian Dior, 190 avenue Charles de Gaulle, 92200 Neuilly sur Seine, France.

您还有权利随时联系迪奥监管机构 CNIL,针对迪奥数据保护和隐私实践发起投诉。可按照以下信息联系

法国国家信息自由委员会 (CNIL) :

Commission Nationale de l'Informatique et des Libertés – CNIL

3 Place de Fontenoy
TSA 80715 - 75334 Paris, Cedex 07
电话 +33 1 53 73 22 22
传真 +33 1 53 73 22 00




5. 如何保证您个人数据的安全?

Parfums Christian Dior 采取符合法国和欧盟法律法规要求的技术和组织措施,确保您的数据安全保密。通过签署书面协议,Parfums Christian Dior 要求其服务提供商和处理商根据个人数据保护法律的适用要求提供保护并实施充分的安全措施,以保护他们同意处理的个人数据。不过,Parfums Christian Dior 无法控制互联网运营相关的所有风险。请您注意,使用任何网站本身就存在风险。

6. 第三方网站

有一些第三方网站可能超出我们的控制范围(例如路威酩轩集团子公司的网站),此类网站遵循其自己的保密政策和个人数据保护政策。本隐私声明不适用于第三方网站。请查阅您访问的第三方网站的保密政策和个人数据保护政策,了解它们如何处理您的数据。Parfums Christian Dior 对任何第三方对您的任何数据使用概不负责。